New routes

Riegsee-Runde 2
Riegsee (5.67 km)

Stammtischwanderung 15.02.2025
Dresden (5.18 km)

Auf zur Wassertretstelle
Baunatal (9.52 km)

Altenstadt (7.59 km)

Baunatal (6.33 km)

Eglfing (5.78 km)

CrewRun Ewald
Herten (15.48 km)

CrewRun Ewald
Herten (15.30 km)

Leichte Laufrunde
Baunatal (1.96 km)

Stadion Hohenhorst
Herten (15.00 km)

Krün (7.55 km)

Penzberger Berghaldenpfad
Penzberg (2.84 km)

Polling (4.57 km)

Herten (21.96 km)

Weilheim in Oberbayern (11.74 km)

CrewRun Paschenberg
Herten (13.10 km)

CrewRun Paschenberg
Herten (10.20 km)

Welcome to runnr!

runnr offers routes for runners, hikers, cyclists and walkers. For the presentation the maps from Google Maps and OpenStreetMap (OSM) are used.

With runnr you can draw your own routes on a map or import a GPX file, save it for yourself or make it available to others.


You want to know the lenght of your run? Draw the track in the map and immediately see the length of the route.

The route can be automatically adjusted to the road in order to facilitate the plotting.

By using Google Maps, you can also use satellite images. This makes finding e.g. country lanes easier to look for that are not visible on  road maps.

The maps from OpenStreetMap often provide a high level of detail, too.

Strecken in der Karte ausmessen

Looking for an idea for your next getaway or walk?

Through the route finding, you can quickly search public tracks.

Share routes through links to public routes or export it as a GPX file.


The use of runnr is free. There are few details for the registration required.